If you must cancel your order, please do so within 24 hours of placing it. The money will be refunded to your account if you have already paid for the order.
Once the order has been placed, you cannot cancel it.
Let us know if you have a complaint, and we will assist you.
You should refuse the package and return it to the delivery person if the product is defective or the packaging has been tampered with or damaged before delivery, you should refuse the package and return it to the delivery person. We ensure that a brand new replacement is issued to you at no additional cost.
Designershrine understands how important it is for you to receive your products as soon as possible and in good condition. Our extensive network of couriers ensures you get your order as quickly as possible. Based on your location, the product will arrive 7 working days after dispatch from our warehouse.
Designershrine may cancel any order without explanation if certain conditions cannot be met. In other words, the company will inform people about refunds and order cancellations in a timely manner.